Ulyssa Mello

Software Engineer living in the Bay Area

Photo of Ulyssa


Hi, I'm Ulyssa! I like making and contributing to open source software. Most of what I make is in Rust, C, and JavaScript.

I'm currently working at Fastly, and worked at Joyent before that.



github / crates.io / docs.rs / matrix

modalkit is a library that I wrote based on crossterm and tui-rs to help build modal editing TUI applications. Some of the things it supports are:

  • Modal editing using Vim or Emacs keybindings and modes, or your own custom mappings
  • Operations like yank, delete, paste, join, and changing case and numbers
  • Word, line, buffer and screen motions
  • Selecting text objects (e.g. quotes and brackets)
  • Visual selections, including linewise and blockwise selections
  • Cursor marks, and navigating through the jumplist and changelist
  • Macro recording and execution, and repeating the previous edit
  • Inserting completions, literals and digraphs, and copying adjacent lines in Insert mode
  • Window management with horizontal and vertical splits, and tabs
  • A readline-style editor


iamb.chat / github / crates.io / matrix

iamb is a TUI Matrix client that uses Vim keybindings. It includes support for:

  • Threads, spaces, E2EE, and read receipts
  • Image previews in terminals that support it (sixels, Kitty, and iTerm2), or using pixelated blocks for those that don't
  • Notifications via terminal bell or desktop environment
  • Creating, joining, and leaving rooms
  • Sending and accepting room invitations
  • Editing, redacting, and reacting to messages
  • Custom keybindings
  • Multiple profiles


github / crates.io

termsketch is a command-line image to text conversion tool that I wrote so that I could play around with using DSSIM to find visually similar characters, and to make better use of negative space in the output, to achieve a look closer to how hand-crafted ASCII art usually looks.


github / npm

This is a PEG-based parser for the markup language used by JIRA. It supports converting the parsed markup into HTML, and provides hooks to help customize the conversion. The Public Issues Index for Triton (see bugview for the source) uses it to help proxy issues labeled public, so that community users can see the tickets and comments left by its engineers.



This is a set of OpenLDAP user management Python scripts that emulate the behaviour and flags of the Debian user management tools (groupadd, useradd, chsh, etc.). I wrote them for an organization I used to do systems administration for when we migrated to using OpenLDAP. I haven't touched the project in a long time, but I still occasionally get e-mails from people who find them useful. Maybe you will too!